Friday, August 13, 2010

Finding Nemo wall decoration and centerpiece/balloon weight

Finding Nemo
Finding Nemo Wall Decoration and Centerpiece/balloon weight

Okay people, I acually thought Nemo was old least in my house.  To my surprise my 2 year old daughter got a glimpse of it at her great-great grandmothers house about a month and a half ago, and has been hooked to it ever since. So she is the reason fo this post. The decorations will go in her room for her to enjoy.  So here are some step by step intructions on how to make a Nemo wall decoration and centerpiece that can also be a balloon weight.

                                      The wall decoration

First you want to make a list of all the supplies you will need to take with you to the store if you don't already have these supplies at home. Also take any inspirational pieces you may have to help you with matching the colors. Mine was my 2 yr olds Nemo floaties.

For this project you will need:

1 white piece of bulletin board paper(posterboard size)
1 sheet copier paper
1 orange posterboard
White paint
Black marker
Yellow marker
3 sheets of cardstock light green, blue and orange ( these were on sale 2 for $1 yay!!!)

Okay now that we have all of our supplies lets get busy!

                                          (Don't worry about the tissue paper that was for the next project)

First you get your bulletin board paper and get started on drawing Nemo. This will be your template so you will not have to have all the eraser marks on your Nemo like I did : /  You can erase as much as you please on your template. To draw Nemo I used my inspirational piece and this how-to tutorial that I found online  Since it was the same picture as the floaties.  The template is only needed to get Nemo's shape. You don't have to draw the stripes and eyes.

Sorry about the eraser markes. I didn't think of the template til after I finished the project. Yours will not have these. So then once you have it all drawn out on your template paper, cut it out and place it on top of the orange posterboard and trace with your pencil. Then go over it with the black marker.Add Nemo's stripes and make sure that you make the tips of Nemos fins a little bolder with the marker.

Next you take your white paint and fill in Nemo's stripes

Last you add Nemo's eyes using either the copier paper or left over bulletin board paper. You can go back to the tutorial if you need to for the eyes. I used a piece of the orange posterboard for the eyes, and just colored it in with the black marker for the pupil. Don't forget to use a yellow marker to make the lines on Nemo's fins. I also made the big fin next to his eye after I cut Nemo's body out, because I ran out of room on that side of the paper. There was a little coner left below his body, where I drew the fin separate, then cut it out and glued it to Nemo. But if you have a enough room then go for it.

So now you have a nemo wall decoration. Now your drawing may not look like the oringinal (because mine definitely doesn't) but that is okay. As long as your child reconizes their favorite character, that's all that matters :). You can make 3 more to go on each wall, to make the whole room look more festive.

On my inspirational piece there a flower like shapes that I am going to make to place around Nemo once I place it on the wall. This will make your decorations appear not so plain. So this is where the cardstock comes in handy.

So first we are going to take either color of the paper(I chose blue) and draw the shape of a flower. All you do is at the edge of the paper draw a simple flower pedal with a smaller pedal inside it(above). It can be any size you want. Just be sure that each color flower is a different size

You will need 5 pedals. So it would be easier to cut them out all together so they will all be the same size. Just cut out 5 squares. Sit your pedal on top and cut.

Once you have cut them all out, take your glue and glue the tails of each pedal to another pedal.
You will need to do all of your flowers like this. Remember they need to be different sizes.
And there is your Nemo flowers. They look more like Spongebob flowers but thats okay.=)

                              Nemo Centerpiece/balloon weight

The supplies you need for this project is:

3 sheet of tissue paper blue, orange, and yellow
curling sting (color of your choice, I choce white
Sand (about 3 cups)
clear tape
10x10" tissue paper ( color of choice, it won't be seen)

Okay you are going to take your 3 cups of sand and pour it right in the middle of the 10' tissue paper. Then close it up tight til it resembles a wrapped up hamburger from your favorite fast food chain. Pull tight and tape.

Now take the colored tissue paper and stack, with the orange lying first on the floor then the yellow then blue facing up. Now place the sand pattie right in the middle of  the blue paper.
Now take one corner and pull to the corner diagnal to it. Hold and do the same to the remaining two corners.  Hold  and gather right above the soil pattie(seen above)  and tie in a tight knot with about 2 1/2 feet of the curling ribbon. Once you have the knot. Take your sissors, open them up. Place the ribbon between your thumb and the blade, light press down and pull from the top of the ribbon to the end. (Don't press to hard if you are using extra sharp sissors.) When you get to the end, let go and there you have it...curly curls I like to call them. I have learned that the faster you go the better curl you get.

You can add another 2 1/2 string and have the  curls going all around. Let your imagination flow with them curly curls! I also added Nemo stickers to the bottom and the top part of the centerpiece.
How cuuuute! Oh and don't forget to get a matching tablecloth and sprinkle some Nemo confetti. If you don't have Nemo confetti just use color cordinating confetti. Again this can also be used as a balloon weight. Add about 3 balloons at different heights to give it a unique look. Or maybe just one color or one Nemo balloon. Have fun with your decorations. Surprise everyone at the party with handmade decorations made by "you"!

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