Friday, October 1, 2010

Welcome welcome welcome to the Halloween edition of Kid celebrations. You are in for such a treat. Just so you know this will not be a scary, spooky, blood running down the chin kind of guide. It will be a simple yet ohh so fun guide on how to make your Halloween celebration a big, creepy, crawly success. I know... I said nothing scary, but I had to add that one. LOL. Besides kids are more interested in fun, than in being scared. I will post picture intructions on some of my ideas, but not all. Just so you know all of these are not mine, of course I got alot from the internet. I just put them all in one place to make it easier for you.
 Also don't forget to checkout my daughters blog where she will be adding kid-friendly halloween recipes that your child can make themselves. I'm so excited to be doing this! I can't wait any longer, let's get started...

 I have decided to break the weeks up in the catagories as follows:

Week 1 (1st-7th)  Costumes~ These will only be link ideas. Because I cannot see myself making all these costumes, and nothing to do with them. So It will be alot of links that will take you to some cute, inexpensive, very simple costumes.

Week 2 (8th-14) Crafts~ Yay!!! I love crafts! So this week  I will have the most posts then any other week. It will consist of crafts for the kids, the house and for a halloween bash. Some will have step by step picture guides and some will not. This week I will post the sweeptakes details, keep an eye out.

Week 3 (15th-21st) Recipes ~ This week I will be post simple recipes that you can make in a hurry for a party, for dinner or whatever you need it for. Please remember to checkout my daughters blog as well. She will be posting kid friendly recipes that your child can make own their own with little or no supervision at all.

Week 4 (22nd-31st) Safety and other fun ideas and tips~ This week will be all about safety when going out trick or treating, having a party, and any other halloween safety tip that you could use. Lets make this halloween a fun and safe night for your child. Okay now lets get started!

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