Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Labor Day Family Activities

Labor Day is celebrated on the first Monday in September. It's a day dedicated to the social and economic achievements of American workers. It became an official holiday in 1894. During this time we usually celebrate with summer activities like swimming, cookouts or maybe even camping.
 I love all of the above, but I don't know about you but, sometimes I  just want to stay home and spend time with the family and as a family,do things for the hard workers in our community. So I have listed a few activities that you and your family can do, just in case you want to stay in and do the family thing.

Good Work Sign

Have the kids remind their favorite worker of the good work they have done by letting them make a "GOOD WORK" sign. This could be a neighbor next door. Use foam board for the actual sign. Write the words "GOOD WORK", decorate with glitter pens, markers, ribbon, stars, etc. You could even present it to them with a batch of homemade cookies.

Labor Day Shake Ups

You will need:
2 paper plates
1 ziplock bag (close to the same size as plate)
patriotic confetti (if you have, I just used what I had around the house)
ribbon cut in small strips (I used red)
dry beans or rice

Cut out the center section of one plate, discard center. You can use any paper plates you have. I only had these little mermaid plates. So whatever you have will work.

   Fill the ziplock bag with glitter, ribbon pieces and confetti. You have to fill the bag up so that when you lye it on your work surface it is one layer. Do not make it bulky. Zip it shut. Take the paper plate with the hole in it, turn the plate over so that the bottom of the plate is facing upwards towards you. Now center the ziplock bag under the hole. Staple it to the plate(around the opening), making sure to place the staples right next to each other around the circle. Any corners of the bag will be tucked inside in the final step.

Now take the second plate and staple different lengths of ribbons  to the sides, this is just to give a little decoration to it. The step is optional.

Now pour the beans or rice in the second plate (without the hole) Place the plate with the see through window over the top of the beans tucking any corners inside, and staple shut. Again making sure that the stables are close together, so the beans will not fall out.

Now decorate as you please, Glitter was all I had, You can use markers, more ribbon etc.
Now you're ready to Shake Shake Shake!!

paper (any size)
pen or pencil

On a sheet of paper write down different jobs that people have, police officers, firefighters, store clerks, mailmen,etc. Think of about 20 jobs
Cut the jobs out on strips, fold them up and place them in the bowl
Pick one piece of paper out the bowl without letting the other person see what you've picked. Draw a picture of the job you picked on the paper. Keep drawing until your partner guesses the image. Take turns picking and drawing. Another idea would be if you have enough family member, you can make teams and play against each other. The losing team have to cook dinner one night. Make it fun!

This is a fun and easy snack

7 twizzlers
mini marshmallows
blue fruit roll up

Start with a red horizontal twizzler
Then add a row of mini marshmallows
Repeat until you have 7 rows of red
Cut the blue fruit roll up into a square and place in upper left corner

A few more ideas:

Make sugar cookies, use a rectangle cookie cutter and once they are baked and cooked off. Decorate them like flags with icing. Enjoy as a family or deliver them to a hard working neighbor.

Have family cookout

Make a flag craft

Get creative and just have fun with your family. It's not everyday everyone is at home during the day. Enjoy this day off (if you're blessed with the day off) with your family.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there,
    Great idea for a blog. I too love party planning, entertaining and adding lots of small details. I found your blog on Mom Bloggers Club. Head on over to my blog and have a look and become a follower. It's a glimpse into my colourful world and creative projects. http://fingerpaintingmum.blogspot.com
